Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Last Day :0(

On Tuesday Beth had to tour around alone while I went to my internship.

This is a window washer cleaning the window outside of my office.
It looks like he's standing there but he's really hanging on a swing outside of the 11th floor window!
(The dark person off to the left is my office sharer Randy.)

After my internship Beth and I went to the Washington Monument for one last hurrah!

Beth in front of the Washington Monument!

There was water in the reflecting pool!

It was much prettier than when Mom and Dad and I went up because the sun was going down and was shining on the buildings and monuments.

I don't know exactly where it is but my apartment building is somewhere to left and back of the Supreme Court.

Beth and I touching the Washington Monument!

The wind was blowing so hard that every flag was spread fully out. The sound of that many flags fluttering was loud and amazing!

When we were leaving the monument there was perfect lighting for a shadow picture!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Carol, I NEED YOU ADDRESS!!!!!! : )