Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Beth in DC!

On Wednesday my best friend in the whole world Elizabeth Wold asked me what I was going to do this weekend and by early Sunday morning she was here!!!!!

On Sunday we headed out and stopped at the Supreme Court. Here is Beth on the steps of the Supreme Court of the United States of America!

These are the golden doors of the Supreme Court Building.

This is me actually touching the door of the Supreme Court!

This is the view of the Capitol building from the front door of the Supreme Court.

These are our hands touching the columns of the Supreme Court.

Me, sitting on the base of the columns at the Supreme Court.

If you look closely towards the lower left you can see Beth in front of the Library of Congress. This was Beth's number one place to see in DC!

If the tour guide that took Mom and Dad and I around was correct, this should be George Bush's Church!

This is the front of the White House.

Beth in front of the White House.

Beth and I in the park at the front of the White House.

That's quite the place to live! I wouldn't mind a house like that!

There was a family putting on Santa hats in front of the White House so I volunteered to take their picture. They were taking the picture for their Christmas cards. That's a good idea! Maybe I should do that! You can see the guy wearing his hat.

Then we asked the family to take a picture of us!

Beth in front of a gate at the White House!

If the big white house was not enough to convince you that we were really there, here is a sign that proves we were at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.!

On our way to the Metro from the White House I spotted the American Bar Association and needed a picture!

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