Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Weekend

I had the most amazing July 4th ever! My friends and I went on a weekend trip to San Antonio and saw the Alamo. Then on Sunday the church had a dinner and softball game. Afterward we went to a friends house for fireworks. Since Texas is so flat you could see the fireworks going off all over the countryside! It was so beautiful driving through the country under the fireworks!
Monday night some of us went to Joe T. Garcia's! It's an amazing Mexican restaurant! Here are the pictures of my adventures:
Me in front of the Texas capitol building in Austin on our way to San Antonio.
We got free breakfast at our hotel El Tropicana. These are some of my new friends.
Lori and Kristina

Amanda and Me

We decided that these cups looked like the ones on Cinderella. Amanda was looking for Gus Gus.

They had two Toucans in the hotel! You can see one of them in the middle of this picture if you look real close.

Amanda and Me

Amanda and Me outside our hotel.

Saturday morning while we waited for our other friends to show up we went on the Riverwalk. It's a cement river that goes through the middle of San Antonio. It has shops and restaurants along it. It's very beautiful! This is a bridge over the Riverwalk.

Kristina and Me in front of a waterfall on the Riverwalk.

The Riverwalk starts at this mall. This is me on a bridge there.

Me at the Alamo! Unfortunately I couldn't find the basement! ;0)

These pictures are from the 4th of July Softball game. Anna found this toad and named him Steve.

Anna and Steve.

Anna and Me.

Tim Ross (he's the friend that I knew from DC) and Me.

Katie and Me.

The last two pictures are us at Joe T. Garcia's.
Lori, Amanda, and Anna (A different Anna. This is actually Tim Ross' sister.)

Me, Brittany, and Kristina.

There will be more pictures to come but I have to get them from my friends. Many of the pictures have been on their cameras.
That's all for now! I can't believe I'll be home in two weeks!

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