Saturday, July 10, 2010

More Texas Awesomeness

Hello Again! I'm back with some more Texas awesomeness! Today I have pictures of work, the peach festival, and.......the long awaited pictures of my apartment!
This first picture is of me eating a Bearcat Burger. Some of my coworkers took me to the Bearcat (a gas station convenience store) where they have world famous burgers. (Ok, maybe not world famous but everyone said I had to try one!)

This is me and Cindy at work.

These are really old copies of the Congressional Globe. They have the debates of Congress from the 1800's.

These are some of the old state statutes I've been reasearching in. Some of them are from the 1700s! The green one right in the middle is a law review article from Oregon! It's a modern one. They don't have any old stuff from Oregon.

Here are some pictures of the library.

Me working in the library.

Today was one of my last Saturdays in Texas. My friends were all busy so I decided to go to Weatherford to the Weatherford Peach Festival. It was pretty fun! It is a lot like the Sandy Mountain Festival. I was glad I got to go since I missed the Mountain Festival this weekend!
The festival was a couple blocks around the Courthouse. Here are some pictures of the Weatherford Courthouse.

Many of you will be happy to know that I finally took some pictures of my apartment.
Here it is!

Notice the opening in the wall between the living room and the bedroom. There are blinds that shut for privacy. The whole is there because the tv swivels and you can watch the tv from the bedroom!

This is the view from my apartment. They graze horses out in those fields.

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