Sunday, November 30, 2008

New York City!!!!

This Thanksgiving I was thankful for the wonderful trip that God allowed me to go on!!! I got to go with a friend to New York City!!!!
I was really bummed because I didn't get to go to Leavenworth, WA with my family but God totally made up for it!!!
My law school friend Ivette, grew up in the Bronx, lived in Pennslyvania for a few years and then moved to Virginia to go to Law School. Her daughter had an orthodontist appointment in PA so we went up for the weekend. Then, her mother-in-law who lives in PA needed a ride to her daughter's house in Queens. We took her and thus I got to go to NYC!!!!
This is a picture of geese flying over the Delaware River. Ma and Pops know why this picture is special! ;0)

This is Ivette's daughter Kristen, and I at the Coopersburg Diner in PA.

This is Ivette with her mother-in-law and children.

This is me with the NYC skyline in the background!

This was my first view of the city! First we drove through Manhatten, then dropped her mother-in-law off in Queens, then drove to the Bronx to pick up her sister, then went on the Staten Island Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty, then drove down 42nd St to Times Square.

Another early view of the city.

This picture is for Darin! It's the major Post Office at Penn Station.

Madison Square Garden


This is one of my favorite pictures! I wanted to get a picture that showed I was on 34th St and I didn't even realize that we were on 34th St and Park Ave!!!!!

This is the George Washington Bridge. I believe this was on our way into the Bronx. I got to go to four of the five boroughs of New York. I went to Manhatten, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island. I didn't make it to Brooklyn but I did see the Brooklyn Bridge!

These are some pictures of the Christmas House in the Bronx. It wasn't going yet but it was still pretty. I guess when it's operating the figures dance around and there's lights and music. It sounds awesome!

This is the enterance to the Staten Island Ferry.

Kristen and I on the Staten Island Ferry.

Immanuel and I on the Staten Island Ferry. We got to see the Statue of Liberty but I couldn't get any pictures of it since it was at night. :0(

Us waiting to get back on the Ferry on the Staten Island side.

NYC Buildings

The New Amsterdam Theatre

Times Square!!!!!!!

It's kinda hard to see but this is the Bull on Wall Street!

That's all for now! I can use all the prayer I can get because I have finals for the next two weeks!! It's really scary because almost my entire grade depends on one test in each class! Pray that I can figure out how to study efficiently and recall all the information that I learned!
For those of you at home, I'll be seeing you in two short weeks!!!!! Yay!!!!! I love you and can't wait to be home with you!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

North Carolina

You've had a little taste of Kentucky. Here's a little taste of North Carolina. Margo is from North Carolina and a couple of weekends ago Candace and I went home with her.
On Friday night we stopped by the North Carolina State Fair in Raleigh on our way to Margo's house.
This is me with the pig that we all worked to win for Candace. (Even though she ended up being the one to win and didn't need us after all.)

Candace on the main drag of the fair.

Margo and I eating Fried Cheesecake!!! It was so yummy!!!! I haven't seen so much fried food in my life!!!! I also got a Fried Snickers! It was divine!!!!

At the end of the fair they had fireworks. They were setting them off right over the entrance where we came in!! I have never been so close to those big fireworks before! They were literally going off right above our head!!!! It was amazing!!!!!!

Picture of the fireworks!

After the fireworks we left and headed for Jamesville, North Carolina!
Jones Rd is just a little ways from where Margo lives.

These are some of the cotton fields around Margo's house. I had never seen a real cotton field before! I even got to pick some and keep it. As we drove along the road I thought of the song "Song of the South". It goes, "Cotton on the roadside, Cotton in the ditch, We all picked the cotton but we never got rich." That's my North Carolina song now!!!!

We got to ride their families three wheeler. I even drove it by myself! Don't worry! Her grandpa had built a roll bar on the back so it couldn't roll over! :0)

We went down by the river and goofed around.

On Saturday night we went to a restaurant named Deadwood. It kinda reminded me of Calamity Jane's. It was pretty good.

The three amigas at Deadwood.

My very first Fried Green Tomato!!! It was yummy!!!

This was my first time at a Piggly Wiggly.

We went to Sunday School at this little Methodist Church that Margo grew up in.

We went to the main service at this Baptist Church that Margo's grandma goes to.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Law School Days

I'm Back!!!!!! You can thank Ken Heiner who hooked me up with a memory card reader!! Now I can show you all of my wonderful adventures!!!!
David Barton came to speak at my school on Constitution day.
Here is a picture of us.

Law School Luau!!
Awhile back the Law School had a Luau held at Jerry Falwell Jr.'s house. It was a lot of fun. At the end they had big fireworks over the lake!!

Pictured here is myself, Candace, Jenny, and my roommate Faith (Sitting).

Here is a picture of everybody chillin' at the Luau.

This is a picture of Dean Staver, his wife Anita, and me with the lake behind.

Same picture except with Candace.

This is a picture of people competing in a trivia game. Seated in the center is Dean Staver next to Jerry Falwell Jr. In the pink polo next to the guy in the white hat is Billy Graham's grandson. He's a professor at my school.

Pictured here is myself, Lisa, Alexandra, Anna, and Rachel.

Pictured here is myself, Liz, Julia, and Candace.

The Green Eyed Beauties!!!

At Thomas Road Baptist Church they had a special ladies event that featured author and speaker Sheri Rose Shepherd. She is the author of the book His Princess. Every woman should read that!!!!! I got her autograph and then she took a picture with myself, Margo, and Candace.

I already had pictures from my trip to Kentucky but those were Candace and Margo's pictures. Here are some of my own. When we were on our way home I realized that the LCD screen on my camera broke. My camera still works (hence I was able to take these pictures) but I have to take it the old school way and I can't see if the picture turned out OK.
This is the West Virginia Capitol Building. I thought it was very beautiful.

These are some pictures of the West Virginia hills (they call them mountains over here but all of you on the West Coast know these are nothing but hills!!!) The leaves were just starting to turn and it was very beautiful!! The pictures aren't as pretty as it was in real life.