Sunday, April 20, 2008


There was a thunderstorm today after church. I was in Lee's room and it started pouring down outside. I wasn't going to go outside because I was still wearing my church clothes but I just couldn't miss the chance of being out in such a perfect storm. I went out and was soaked in seconds! It was so amazing! Then, the thunder started and I figured that being on the roof in a thunderstorm was probably not the best idea! I came in but not because I wanted to!

This picture is my souvenir from that wonderful experience!

Potluck on the Roof

Since it was such a beautiful day yesterday we decided to have a potluck on the roof. It wasn't really as dark outside as some of the pictures look, that's just the effect of having the flash on.

This is Harah and I.

This picture is a little blurry but I love it!

Harah wanted to have a contest to see who could stand on one foot the longest with the other foot on the knee of the opposite leg. If these words don't make sense, just look at the pictures!

Lee and I did the best although I think I technically won!

Mt. Vernon Take Two!

A group of us went up to Mt. Vernon on Saturday. It was sunny and around 80 degrees! It was beautiful!

This is Andrew and I with Washington, Martha, and their two grandkids.

This is the front of Mt. Vernon. If you compare with the pictures on President's Day you will note that there were far less people! It was amazing!

This is a picture of the smokehouse. I took it for Pops! I wonder how many sticks of Deer Meat you can stick in there!

This is me and the Potomac near Washington's old vault.

Shelley and I decided to go on a riverboat cruise on the Potomac from the Mt. Vernon Wharf. It was awesome! This is the shore on the opposite side from Mt. Vernon. They said that there are 4,000 acres along that shore that cannot be developed to keep the view from the house as close to original as possible.

This is the view of Mt. Vernon from the river. I can actually say I've been on the Potomac!

This is Shelley and I thoroughly enjoying our ride!

This is Fort Washington.

Me and the Potomac.

Another view of Mt. Vernon from inside the boat.

These boys were so cute! They weren't twins but I could just see the Jones boys when I saw them!

This is a bridge on the forrest trail leading back up to the house from the wharf.

Martha never looked so good!

Is it just me or do Martha and George look eerily similar!!!

I actually got to witness George being sworn in! J/K This is inside the Educational Center at Mt. Vernon.

International Affairs Unit

We just got finished with our International Affairs Unit on Friday. It was our last big project! We are all very relieved to be done! For this unit we were studying U.S./China relations from the viewpoint of another country. My taskforce was India.

On Wednesday we pretended to be from India and recommended policies to the Secretary of State for what the U.S. should in regards to China. This picture is of my taskforce team. They are from left to right, David, Freda, Sradda, Your Truly, Zach, and Ryan.

On Friday we did a presentation similar to before but this time we were supposed to be Americans who are experts on our various countries. We went to an actual conference room in the Rayburn House Office Building. These are just some pictures of me at that presentation.


This pig is outside of the school that is near the Eastern Market metro station. I saw it and just had to have my picture taken with it!

Mom has been asking for this picture for a long time now so here it is! This is how I decorated my desk! (P.S. Multnomah Falls is not on fire! It's just the flash!)

This is me working at my desk. There is an intern working with Randy in my office now and I had her take a picture for me.

They finally put water in the fountain in front of the Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress. I had been waiting for them to put water in it forever!

This is yet another view of the Supreme Court Building. I thought that it was pretty because of the Red White and Blue.

First Baptist of Georgetown II

I took a few more pictures at church last week and this week. This picture is of the choir during the service.

I took this picture today. This is Lee, Harah, and I and the pastor's wife.

This is me with the pastor.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

White House Spring Garden Tour!

This morning we woke up early and waited in line for the White House Garden Tour. I actually made it inside the gate!!! It was amazing!

This is the Jacqueline Kennedy garden.

These tulips were huge!!!

This band was playing scores from different movies. The ones that I made out were E.T. and Indiana Jones. When they played the song from Indiana Jones I felt like I was in Disneyland! Speaking of Disneyland, keep reading this post and you'll see something amazing!

Lauren and I in front of the Diplomatic entrance to the White House. Someday I'll be going in there as a guest and not a tourist!!! ;0)

Bryan Cleveland in front of the White House.

Looking out from the President's point of view!

There was a downpour not too long before this but then the sun came out and made everything beautiful! Hmmmm....sounds like what the Son does!

This was supposed to be the rose garden but we couldn't see any roses. The funny thing is that I smelled them!

This is the President's very own putting green!

The view from near the fountain.

Here's proof that I was in the gate and near the fountain!

Lady Bird Johnson started a children's garden where everything is on a smaller scale. They also have hand prints of the grandkids of some presidents. These are the hand prints of the Bush twins.

Inside the Children's Garden.

I had people with me this time when I went by the Boy Scout statue so I had my picture taken with it!

This afternoon we went in the Washington Monument because Lauren and Bryan hadn't been in it yet. Most of my pictures were the same as previous ones I've posted but this time I finally got a picture with the World War II Memorial fountains on! Isn't it pretty?

Me enjoying the view from 500 feet up!

On the east side it says, "Laus Deo". And they try to claim that this country has no Godly heritage!

The view of the Washington Monument from upside down. I was laying on the rounded stone benches around the monument and took this view from where we were laying.

This is where I took the picture from.

This is me with an actual Disneyland Annual Pass in my hands!!!! I can't believe I actually had one in my hands!!! If only it were mine!
(Bryan has one because he goes to Biola and lives just a little ways away.)