Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dean's Honor Roll

I made it onto the Dean's Honor Roll! Yay! I'm so excited! I'm so glad that I finally made it on before I graduated! :0)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Home Stretch

I'm back in Virginia for the home stretch! Only one more semester to go; which is a good thing because I just got back and I'm homesick already! I don't have any pictures for you yet but I should have some soon enough. I just wanted to say "hi"!
Miss Ya'll!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Preparation for Christmas!

Christmas Break is only 3 weeks away! I can't believe it! I'll be home before you know it!
Before I left for Thanksgiving Break I decorated my room for Christmas so that it would be ready when I got back. Here is my cute little Christmas tree. Under the tree is a tin of cinnamon scented pine cones. They smell divine!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Dresser

When I came to law school all I had was an acceptance letter and my bags. I had no computer, no car, no place to live, nothing! Starting from scratch to build a life here much of 1L year was spent trying to find a dresser. I had a walk-in closet that had shelves for clothes so I didn't really need one at the time but I really wanted one. Then, I moved into a house that didn't have a walk-in closet or shelves but there was an extra desk in my room so I just used that to put my clothes on for 2L year.
I wasn't going to try and find a dresser this year because I just have one year left but I still always kept my eyes open. Then, one day while my friend Candace and I were walking around Downtown Lynchburg I looked into a storefront and saw dressers as far as the eye could see. It was an old antique furniture shop (My dresser's not an antique. I think it's probably from 1976). They had some beautiful dressers! Mostly expensive of course. I kept wandering around and as I got to the very last dresser it caught my eye. It looked quite similar to the dresser I have at home in OR and it was not too expensive.
As soon as I opened the drawers I was sold! The bottom board of each drawer has a print of Americana pictures! I was shocked! Who finds such a thing in the bottom of a drawer?!? It was totally me! I definitely believe that finding this dresser was Providential!
Since I finally have a dresser I figured it would be a perfect place to display my pictures of Texas from this summer. When I went to Hobby Lobby this weekend I stumbled upon a big sale that included western decorations. Below are pictures of my new dresser and decorations. I haven't had a chance to print off my pictures yet but as soon as I do the frames will be filled with people that I actually know! ;0)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Even More Texas Awesomeness!

I can't believe that in just four days I will be home! I'm so excited!
Although I am so excited to go home I will miss Texas. This has been the most amazing summer of my life! I can't believe how much God has truly blessed me!
Now, for even more Texas awesomeness:
David Barton and Me

Me and Mr. Smiley (a co-worker)

David Brown and Me (another co-worker)

This is an actual lock of George Washington's hair! In the blue is another lock of his hair that had been made into a ring! Apparently that was the thing to do back in the day.

This is a letter written by George Washington. This is his actual handwriting!

This is a letter by John Quincy Adams. Look how neat his handwriting is!

Tonight for youth group we had a pool party. This is Anna, Me, and Bethany.

Anna and Bethany. They are awesome girls!

Bethany, Me, Amanda, and Christine in the pool. It was the most beautiful pool I've ever seen! If you look behind me you can see up higher is the hot tub and it makes sort of a waterfall into the pool. There are little waterfall things every so often on the wall and little alcoves with seats in a few places around the pool. It was awesome!

Playing in the pool.

On Sunday I went with Katie, Chris, and Brook to eat at the Stockyards after church.
Me and Katie at Riscky's BBQ.

Chris and Brook.

Me and my new boyfriends!

Aren't they quite the lookers?

We saw this cow with my initials on her hat and had to take a picture!

It's not everyday that you see a man riding a longhorn through the streets!

I guess I should explain the Stockyards. It's the old section of Fort Worth. They have taken the old stockyards and turned it into a shopping and eating tourist area. They have a longhorn cattle drive everyday. I saw it my first week I was here but I didn't have my camera with me. It's a really awesome place!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

More Texas Awesomeness

Hello Again! I'm back with some more Texas awesomeness! Today I have pictures of work, the peach festival, and.......the long awaited pictures of my apartment!
This first picture is of me eating a Bearcat Burger. Some of my coworkers took me to the Bearcat (a gas station convenience store) where they have world famous burgers. (Ok, maybe not world famous but everyone said I had to try one!)

This is me and Cindy at work.

These are really old copies of the Congressional Globe. They have the debates of Congress from the 1800's.

These are some of the old state statutes I've been reasearching in. Some of them are from the 1700s! The green one right in the middle is a law review article from Oregon! It's a modern one. They don't have any old stuff from Oregon.

Here are some pictures of the library.

Me working in the library.

Today was one of my last Saturdays in Texas. My friends were all busy so I decided to go to Weatherford to the Weatherford Peach Festival. It was pretty fun! It is a lot like the Sandy Mountain Festival. I was glad I got to go since I missed the Mountain Festival this weekend!
The festival was a couple blocks around the Courthouse. Here are some pictures of the Weatherford Courthouse.

Many of you will be happy to know that I finally took some pictures of my apartment.
Here it is!

Notice the opening in the wall between the living room and the bedroom. There are blinds that shut for privacy. The whole is there because the tv swivels and you can watch the tv from the bedroom!

This is the view from my apartment. They graze horses out in those fields.

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Weekend

I had the most amazing July 4th ever! My friends and I went on a weekend trip to San Antonio and saw the Alamo. Then on Sunday the church had a dinner and softball game. Afterward we went to a friends house for fireworks. Since Texas is so flat you could see the fireworks going off all over the countryside! It was so beautiful driving through the country under the fireworks!
Monday night some of us went to Joe T. Garcia's! It's an amazing Mexican restaurant! Here are the pictures of my adventures:
Me in front of the Texas capitol building in Austin on our way to San Antonio.
We got free breakfast at our hotel El Tropicana. These are some of my new friends.
Lori and Kristina

Amanda and Me

We decided that these cups looked like the ones on Cinderella. Amanda was looking for Gus Gus.

They had two Toucans in the hotel! You can see one of them in the middle of this picture if you look real close.

Amanda and Me

Amanda and Me outside our hotel.

Saturday morning while we waited for our other friends to show up we went on the Riverwalk. It's a cement river that goes through the middle of San Antonio. It has shops and restaurants along it. It's very beautiful! This is a bridge over the Riverwalk.

Kristina and Me in front of a waterfall on the Riverwalk.

The Riverwalk starts at this mall. This is me on a bridge there.

Me at the Alamo! Unfortunately I couldn't find the basement! ;0)

These pictures are from the 4th of July Softball game. Anna found this toad and named him Steve.

Anna and Steve.

Anna and Me.

Tim Ross (he's the friend that I knew from DC) and Me.

Katie and Me.

The last two pictures are us at Joe T. Garcia's.
Lori, Amanda, and Anna (A different Anna. This is actually Tim Ross' sister.)

Me, Brittany, and Kristina.

There will be more pictures to come but I have to get them from my friends. Many of the pictures have been on their cameras.
That's all for now! I can't believe I'll be home in two weeks!