Friday, March 21, 2008

Day Off!

On our day off Lee and I did a little sight seeing! First we went to the Washington Monument. Here is me and George at 490 feet!

Then we headed over to the National Archives! This is the one place that I was sad I did not get to go to when I came to DC in High School. I'm so glad I made it this time!!!

Here's me inside the archives!

Here's me and the Declaration of Independence!!!! Can you believe I'm really standing by it! I did not realize that it was so faded. You could hardly read it!

Here's a picture of the actual Constitution of the United States!!! Our Founding Father's actually touched and breathed on this document!

Here is the Bill of Rights!!! I saw our blessed First Amendment with my own eyes!
And I saw the Second Amendment too Pops!

That day was my roommate's birthday so a bunch of us went out to eat at a little dessert cafe.
Pictured is (from left) Ryan Crumpton, Sarah, and Tim Ross.

Here is (from left) me, Lauren, and Lee.

As we walked back from Union Station, Mike Danylak (top) and Ryan Ledebur (base) made their own circus act!

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