Friday, March 21, 2008

Don't Miss Any of the Fun!

I posted so many posts today that you have to click on the older posts in order to see some of them. Don't miss any!

A Day with the De Cleene Family

Lee's family came to visit her for Easter Weekend. I tagged along with them today and we went to the Botanical Gardens and the Museum of Natural History.

I took this picture of a Lemon Verbena plant in honor of Miss Beadle and Laura Ingalls.

These were pretty flowers in the jungle area!

This is Lee and I in the midst of the jungle.

After the Botanical Gardens we headed out for the Museum of Natural History.

This is the actual Hope Diamond!

Ben's Chili Bowl

Harah discovered Ben's Chili Bowl on the Food Network and suggested we all go! It looks like a hole in the wall but it's very famous!

This was the menu.

I think you've been introduced to everyone in this picture except for Freda on the far right. She is from Ghana. Our friend Chris is taking the picture. All of the photos on the wall are of famous people who have eaten there and had their picture taken.

This is one of Bill Cosby. He loves this restaurant and even has his own item on the menu!

Here we are in the front.

St. Patrick's Day Parade

On Sunday after church Lee and I headed to Constitution Ave. for the National St. Patrick's Day Parade. Lee took this picture of me enjoying the parade.

This was my personal favorite parade entry!

I thought these Boy Scouts were adorable!!!

I also found all of the little Irish Dancers adorable!!

Another line up of officers.

This picture is for Stephanie Veenstra!!! I saw the fencers and immediately thought of you!

Around DC!

Last Saturday I took a little trip by myself! I started out from my place and took random streets and I marveled at how awesome it was to turn a corner and have the Supreme Court Building looming before me! This is the back. Most pictures are of the front and I had never seen what it says on the back before. It says, "Justice the Guardian of Liberty".

It was a beautiful sunny day and I couldn't resist taking yet another picture of the Capitol.

And yet another! ;0)

On my way towards the White House I came across a Support the Troops parade.

Here are the mounted officers following the parade.

I took this picture because I had never seen a half street before!

These pictures are for Christian! This is the Boy Scout statue along the Ellipse by the White House.

Here's a close up of the Boy Scout.

On my way back home I passed by Ford's Theater, where Lincoln was shot.

This is the house across the street where Lincoln was taken and later died.

After I got back I headed out again to go to a free Cello concert at the Kennedy Center with some friends. Here is the outside.

This is me in front of the Kennedy Center.

This is a picture of Harah's friend Joelle, Lee, and Harah on our way home from the Kennedy Center. I took this picture because I was in awe at what a wonderful country we live in!! As we walked back we were singing praise songs. How blessed we are to be able to praise our God openly on the streets!!!!!!

Day Off!

On our day off Lee and I did a little sight seeing! First we went to the Washington Monument. Here is me and George at 490 feet!

Then we headed over to the National Archives! This is the one place that I was sad I did not get to go to when I came to DC in High School. I'm so glad I made it this time!!!

Here's me inside the archives!

Here's me and the Declaration of Independence!!!! Can you believe I'm really standing by it! I did not realize that it was so faded. You could hardly read it!

Here's a picture of the actual Constitution of the United States!!! Our Founding Father's actually touched and breathed on this document!

Here is the Bill of Rights!!! I saw our blessed First Amendment with my own eyes!
And I saw the Second Amendment too Pops!

That day was my roommate's birthday so a bunch of us went out to eat at a little dessert cafe.
Pictured is (from left) Ryan Crumpton, Sarah, and Tim Ross.

Here is (from left) me, Lauren, and Lee.

As we walked back from Union Station, Mike Danylak (top) and Ryan Ledebur (base) made their own circus act!

Our Beautiful Captiol Building

Here is the Capitol Building at night from the roof.

This is the sun rising over the Capitol Building as Lee and I were headed to stand in line for the Washington Monument.

Briefing at the Eisenhower Building

We had a briefing at the Eisenhower Building which is right next to the White House. We were briefed by Julie Goon, Special Assistant to the President from the National Economic Council.

This is my roommate Sarah and I before the briefing began.

They had all these pictures of President Bush all over the room.

Here's me hanging out with Bush and Cheney!

Family Dinner

Occasionally Lee (left), Harah (right), and I make dinner together. This is one of those nights.

Winter Sun

This picture was also taken awhile ago. Harah, Lee, and I decided to study on the roof. It was cold but beautiful and sunny!

The sunny day was a perfect opportunity to wear my sunglasses!!

Winter Snows

I'm a little late in getting these pictures up but here is a picture from awhile ago in the snow. This is from the roof of our building.

This picture is from our balcony.

Friday, March 7, 2008


I am making so many wonderful memories here! I'm going to be sad to go home and never see most of my new friends again!

Here is a group of us that went out to the Pentagon City Mall together a few weeks ago.
They are from left to right: Lisa (one of my roommates), Carol, Freda, Lindsay, Ryan (one of four Ryans in this program!), and David.

I absolutely love this picture!!!!!
We didn't plan it but we all kinda match in a yellow, dark, yellow, dark pattern! ;0)

The Mud Bowl!

Today was absolutely amazing!!!! I went with a group of friends to play soccer in the rain on the Mall between the Capitol building and the Washington Monument!!!! It was sooooo awesome!!
We got so wet and muddy! And the best part.......I scored a goal!!!!!
I don't have a picture to show for it but one of our faculty members, Jerry, saw us when we returned to the building so he took our picture. I'm going to ask him if he can send the picture to me! I'll post it as soon as I get it.