Monday, April 20, 2009

Barristers' Banquet 2009

You may be wondering, "What is Barristers'?" Barrister is a fancy word for lawyer. The Barristers' Banquet is a formal Banquet that the law school puts on every year.
The following two are pictures that I took when I got home before I took my hairdown.

Margo and Candace helped me get ready for the event by doing my hair and makeup!
Thanks Guys!!

I went with my friend Ivette and some others. They are from left:
Matthew, Amanda, Yours Truly, Ivette, and her husband John.

The girls!

The event was held in an open warehouse below Amazement Square. Amazement Square is an interactive children's museum and it's awesome!! I want to go sometime when I'm not all dressed up and my feet aren't killing me! ;0)

Inside the Museum: Ivette, Me, Mary, and Britney.

At our table.

John, Ivette, Me, Spencer, Megan, Two 3L girls I don't know, Professor Hesch (my Civil Procedures Teacher), and Mrs. Hesch.

Me, Mrs. Tuomala (she works in the admissions office), and Ivette.

Mark (He was my pretend client for client interviews last semester), Me, and John.

John (different John) and I. John is from Oregon too!

After it was over we went to Ivette's house and took some more pictures inside.

I hope you've enjoyed this trip into the life of a lawyer! (OK, future lawyer!!!) ;0)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Break 2009 - North Carolina

For Spring Break this year I went home with my friend Margo to North Carolina. Here is a pictoral view of my adventures!!!
We went to the Outer Banks and stayed at her aunt's house in Nags Head. This picture is of me and the Alligator River on the way to the beach!! I was so excited to finally see the Atlantic Ocean!!! I had been wanting to since I went to DC last spring!

Here is my first view of the Atlantic Ocean!!!!!!!

I finally stepped foot in the Atlantic!

Here's proof that I actually stepped foot in it!

This is where Brad Paisley taped his video for the song "Waiting on a Woman" with Andy Griffith!

Nags Head is right next to Kill Devil Hills and Kitty Hawk. This is the Wright Brothers Memorial.

They were filming Extreme Makeover: Home Edition in Jamesville (which is where Margo lives) while we were there!!!

For the fans of the show, the guy in the window in the white hard hat and black shirt is Michael!

I caught Paige in her pink hard hat!

They still had to do a lot of work on the house the day of the revealing!!! Here is them putting on the finishing touches.

The limo got stuck in the mud!!!! It was so funny! Margo said, "Only in Jamesville!"

Here is the finished house. The family didn't get to come home until it was pretty dark. I don't think we got in any of the camera shots but if you listen real closely our voices will be in the crowd shouting, "Move that Bus!!!!"

Here's a shot of Margo's house. I love the porch and the bay window!!!!

Here's me and Margo's parents!